Bridle and Bit Fitting
What is involved in a bridle and bit fitting?
Process of a Bridle and Bit Fitting
I will ask for some background information before your consultation to save some time on the day. This will include a full history of the horse along with any issues you are having and what you are wanting to achieve from a consultation.
On the day I will start with an initial assessment of your horse in the stable, looking for any signs of sensitivity or discomfort. I will assess the conformation of the horse’s body, head and mouth and how these may affect the fitting of tack and impact the work asked of your horse.
Then I will ask you to tack up and ride in your usual tack and discuss the response of your horse to this. I will be looking at how the horse moves naturally when on a long rein and then on a contact and looking for any signs of discomfort or resistance.
We can then move on to making any adjustments or changes to the bridle and bit. From the initial assessment I will have selected some for you to try that I feel would be most suitable. With each change of bit we can discuss how your horse responds and moves from what I am seeing and what you are feeling. We may need to return to a previous bit to confirm our thoughts.
A written record of the assessment with recommendations will be provided after your appointment.
Bridles and Bits that I Carry
As I am independent, there is no obligation or pressure to purchase from me; you may always order yourself at a later time. However, if you decide to go ahead and want me to do so, I can order your new bridle for you and have it delivered directly to you.
I carry a range of EvoEquine anatomical bridles, in various different sizes and styles, that are ideal for the vast majority of horses. I specifically chose Evoequine because they provide a variety of anatomical headpieces, which is where correct bridle fit begins. The prices of their bridles range from £155 to £195, with reins available separately. Take a look at their website here:
I also carry bridles more suitable for the petite ponies that often struggle to find bridles and their component parts in suitable sizes, allowing even the smallest of ponies to achieve an optimal bridle fit.
I carry a range of bits in various sizes from brands such as: Bomber Bits, Expert Bits, Myler Bits and numerous other high quality bits.
Bridle and Bit Fitting
A bridle and bit fitting consists of fitting the bridle and assessment of the horse month and appropriate bit selection and fit.
1 bit - £65
2 bits - £85
Discounts and Travel Charges
Discounts and Travel Charges
If there are two or more horses on the same yard, there is a £5 discount per horse.
A call out fee will be added to all appointments. 5 - 10 miles is £10, 10-15 miles is £15 and over 15 miles is £20.
This can be split equally if more than one client at the same yard books an appointment.
How to Book
If you would like to book a bridle or bit fitting appointment please complete the booking form which can be found by clicking on the Booking Form image.
Filling in this form does not commit you to booking an appointment, but provides the information that I require before attending an appointment. If you are an existing client, then I will have most of the information on file, however I still require this form to be completed to add you to my appointment list.
Click Above to Book
Terms of Booking Policy
In the unfortunate event should you need to cancel or re-arrange your appointment the following charges will apply.
Cancellations or appointment rearrangement:
Less than 24 hours notice = 100% of fitting cost.
Less than 48 hours notice = 50% of fitting cost.
More than 48 hours notice = no charge.
Payment is due on day of treatment, either by cash or BACS transfer, unless other arrangements are in place prior to fitting.
Please kindly ensure your horse is dry and clean in readiness for their bridle fitting. Should I be unable to complete a fitting due to the horse being too wet and muddy then full payment will still be due.
Horses will be horses, but please notify me ahead of time if you are aware of any known behaviour or handling issues. If I believe that continuing a fitting is too dangerous for any reason, I may be forced to cease it immediately, in which case the full fitting cost is still owed.
Your horse or pony must be free of any injury or lameness, and in a fit state to be ridden or fitted with a bit and bridle. I may refuse to complete the consultation if I feel that the horse is in an unfit condition, in which case the full fitting cost is still owed.